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SAFE SPORT AGREEMENTwww.Voltagevolleyballclub.comVoltageVolleyballclub@gmail.comGabriela  MonclovaClub AdministratorPhone: 636-2483431

Club Policy
Players and Parents must always maintain a positive and encouraging attitude towards all aspects of the club, especially toward your team and other Voltage members and staff.  Players and Parents should never degrade any player, or anyone associated with the volleyball club.  Parents and Players are expected to support the team, players, and coaching staff at all times.  
Club Goals:
Voltage Volleyball Club believes that all children should be offered the opportunity to develop skills that will enable them to excel and compete at the interscholastic, regional, and/or national level of youth volleyball successfully.
Development Plan:
Good coaching should not be measured by producing winning teams; it’s about developing good skill levels through discipline and hard work with the team.
With our training program, athletes are realistically challenged with gradual progressions throughout the season.
We believe in winning and enjoying the experience, but these are both components and by-products of a goal, which is more immediate and more far-reaching: hard work!
Club Communication Standards
The line of communication should be from coach to athlete to parent for all issues involving athletes and/or teams.
There is a 24-hour cooling-off period after each tournament.  Please do not approach any coaches before, during, or immediately after a tournament.  There is a 24-hour cooling-off period after the conclusion of each tournament before parents or players may request a meeting with the coaches.  if the coaches cannot resolve the issue or concern, please send an email to the administration to resolve the issue or concern. Emails will be answered after the administration clarifies the issue with the coach.
Parent responsibilities:
-       Support your athlete unconditionally.
-       Remain in the designated spectator areas during all practices and tournaments. 
-       Learn the rules of the game to help better understand what is happening on the court. 
-       Understand that physical and verbal intimidation of any individual is unacceptable behavior. 
-       Help the coach or officials when asked.
-       Leave the coaching to the coaches.
-       Focus efforts on cheering for the things all players do well 
-       Let the experience be the athlete.
-       Stay in control of your emotions.
-       Refrain from coaching your child during practices and tournaments.
-       Respect the coaches and do not tell them what to do/not to do.
-       Refrain from advising the coach on how to coach.
-       Be on time for practices and tournaments.
-       Be on time to pick up your child.
-       Respect the integrity of the officials and not advise them on how to call the match.
-       Do not post negative comments on social media about Voltage VBC, players, coaches, or administrators.
-    Understand that poor or unsportsmanlike conduct, language, or behavior may warrant and justify your removal from the premises by the coaches, tournament officials, tournament director, venue manager, or other authorities.  
Financial Obligations: Voltage VBC parents/guardians must be prepared to assume the financial obligations of participating in Voltage VBC depending on your team level.
Club fees cover the following:
Practice Facilities 
Equipment (nets, carts, balls, etc.)
Club Administrative costs
Club Operational costs

Coaches Fees
Social Media
Tournament Entry Fees 
Club fees DO NOT cover the following: 
Court shoes
Water bottle
Team Bag
Team-building activities 
Time commitment:  Being involved in the Voltage VBC program requires a time commitment. Each player must attend all practices and tournaments.  This includes fulfilling game day assignments (line judging, score table, etc.).  Parents need to ensure his or her athlete attends every practice and tournament until the season is over or if the team qualifies to play after the season. Only mandatory school activity attendance, serious illness, or a genuine family emergency are legitimate excuses for missing practice.  
Excused and unexcused absences are determined by the coaches.  Penalty for absences will be at the coach’s discretion.  Penalties may include loss of playing time and/or dismissal from the team.   
Failure to complete the payment schedule as agreed upon by the player contract can render the athlete ineligible to finish the season with Voltage VB Club until the balance is paid in full. 
Under no circumstances should coaches collect money for payment of dues and/or fees. Voltage Volleyball Club requires payments to be made online to the Club Administration.
Circumstances that prevent a player from participating (injury, schedule, conflict, suspension, etc.) do not dismiss the financial obligation to the club.
If a family decides to voluntarily withdraw from the club for personal reasons or is removed, they will be responsible for the balance of their dues.
Once you sign your player agreement, you are committed to the season with Voltage Volleyball Club. Should you withdraw before the season is over; you will not be entitled to any refund of money already paid.  Any remaining balance due shall be paid immediately.
The club season generally runs from November to April, except for the teams that qualify to play after the season. The club fee does not cover practices if the team qualifies to play after the season. Practices during the holiday season will vary as determined by the club administration.
Insurance Coverage:  It is the responsibility of parents to ensure that their athlete is covered by medical insurance. Volleyball is like any other sport - the risk of accidental injuries is inherent in these activities. These risks include, but are not limited to, the potential for injury, accidents, or illness while traveling to and from competition sites while participating in the various program activities, and while playing volleyball. We attempt to minimize the existing risks through the use of proper sports equipment, proper facilities, and sound safety practices.
Player Code of Conduct and Obligations
School Obligations:  Parents and athletes in the Voltage VBC program will be expected to make both Voltage VBC and academics a priority. We expect athletes to manage their time accordingly so that they can attend and be on time for practices, tournaments, and other related functions that fall within the team schedule. 
Arrival to Practice: Every player must arrive 10 minutes early to help set up and be prepared to start practice on time.  Players must arrive in full practice attire.  
Mobile Devices:  During tournaments and practice, cell phone use is not allowed.  No player should be using her mobile device until after practice or a tournament.  Players should obtain consent from the coaches to use mobile devices during practice or tournaments.  
Practice Attire: Players must wear their Voltage VBC program practice shirts to every practice. This creates team unity, eliminates individualism, and starts to instill discipline. 
Missing Practices: Players with missing practices, will be excused to play in 1st.  Match of the tournament or the entire tournament. 
Attitude:  Players must have a good attitude with the coaches. Players with bad attitudes toward the coaches or the team will be released from the practice and may not be able to attend the following tournament.
Respect: Players should respect coaches, officials, and teammates.
Tobacco, Vape, Drugs & Alcohol:  Any athlete found with any illegal substances in their backpack or using vape or alcohol during practice or tournaments will be removed from the club.
Arrival to Tournaments: Players must arrive at tournaments one hour early.  Players must arrive in the required Voltage VBC uniform including warm-ups at every tournament.  Players must bring all jerseys (white, gray, and navy) to every tournament.  Failure to arrive in the required Voltage VBC uniform may result in the player not being allowed to play in the first match of the tournament.       
Your coach will inform you of your exact required arrival time and location. If for any reason a player can’t arrive on time for the tournament, the player will not be allowed to play in the first match of the tournament.
Coaches cannot wait until the last minute to do the pool play and get ready for the first match.
If an athlete cannot attend a tournament, the coach must be informed far in advance of the tournament date. Tournament details are not usually posted until Wednesday or Thursday before the tournament.
Tournament Cancellations
(Weather, Tournament Director cancelation, absent coach for family concerns, or other situations that may occur during the season.
Voltage VBC is not responsible for tournament cancellations; the club administration and coaches will work together to find a make-up tournament date to replace cancellations.  Generally, tournament fees are not refundable.  Voltage VBC shall not be responsible for the player’s out-of-pocket travel costs, including but not limited to, transportation costs, airfare, lodging, meals, etc.   
The coach will provide a tentative tournament schedule for the season, this schedule may be changed or updated during the season. 
Player: If for any circumstance a player's emotions are out of control, the player will not play the following match or the entire tournament. Players should respect any decision or any change that the coaches need to make during tournaments.
Players can’t go with their parents right away after a match or go to the station to pick up their devices. Coaches first need to talk and give instructions to the team if the team needs to do Ref obligations.
During Tournaments:  While at tournaments and events, athletes must stay together as a team in order to encourage team unity and bonding. 
Players are not allowed to leave tournament sites, including eating meals with parents, until the tournament is over and the coach has dismissed the players. 
Any exceptions must be approved by the coach and are at the parents'/players' own risk. Approval for exceptions does not relieve players of their responsibility to be on time for scheduled activities. 
It is not discouraged for players to bring their significant other to games or practices unless it takes away from the player being able to spend time with their teammates, which is part of the team bonding process. The player is also not allowed to leave the team area with their partner or show over-the-top public affection while in a Voltage VBC Uniform. 
Officiating: Players are required to perform officiating duties at every tournament.  Players must equally share officiating responsibilities and all players are required to remain at the tournament until the team’s responsibilities are completed per the coach.
Players must complete all referring and score clinics and bring their own whistle to every tournament.
Players should not use cell phones or any device during officiating duties throughout the tournament.
If a player is found using their cell phone, coaches will take away the cell phone and it will not be returned until the end of the tournament.  Additional consequences may be given at the coach’s discretion.  
Unauthorized Tournament Departures:  If a parent or player decides to leave a tournament before being dismissed due to being upset with the coach, that player will be dismissed from the Club, and the club will notify the Gateway Region of the situation.
Conflicts: The line of communication should be from coach to athlete to parent for all issues involving athletes and/or teams. Coaches are expected to always listen and be open to the player’s concerns and try to come up with an agreeable solution with the player without altering the coaching program.
Players with an emotional response to the match or to the coaches will be pulled out to the court.
Coaches are not responsible for keeping players’ emotions in control.
Tournament Attire: Teams must be in matching apparel at all times. This will provide a consistent look across all teams in all age groups. Voltage gear and apparel only (no pajamas, non-elite sweatshirts, fluffy house shoes, wild hairstyles, etc.). 
Tournaments Out of Town:   While in hotels, athletes are to respect the property and privacy of others in the hotel. Loud or rowdy behavior will not be tolerated. Parents and players are responsible for any damages or thievery at the hotel.
Players are expected to remain with the team at all times during the trip. Players are not to leave the competition venue, the hotel, the restaurant, or any other place at which the team has gathered without the permission/knowledge of the coach or chaperone.
Team Parent/Chaperone:  Each team will have a parent representative to serve as a team chaperone/team parent. Chaperone responsibilities include traveling with the team, planning tournament meals, enforcing a curfew, coordinating team building, communicating with parents, making sure all players have transportation to tournaments, and generally helping the coach in any other way they can.
Coaches’ Rooms:  Athletes are not allowed to be in a coach’s hotel room at any time. Meetings and team gatherings must be held in the hotel lobby or another public area.
Attendance Policy:  The Voltage VBC Attendance Policy requires athletes to miss no more than eight practices throughout the entire season. 
All athletes will be required to participate in practices in order to participate in the tournaments. Voltage VBC will attempt to schedule practices in the evening hours to allow athletes to participate in their school activities as well.

Playing Time:
In Voltage VBC we understand that as parents we would like to see our daughter playing the entire tournament, this is because most of the time we don’t understand the role each athlete is playing in the game. 
Players will be trained by position, and they need to master that position in order to have success in the game, while some players are able to play more than one position according to their skill level.
Coaches are responsible for determining playing time and court positions for athletes. Parents are not permitted on the court during matches unless specifically requested by the coaches to assist in some capacity.  
There is no guaranteed playing time.  We do not have a mandatory playing time rule.  Players will earn playing time in practice.  This is a competitive team and playing time is based on a combination of things: practice attendance, attitude, work ethic, and performance (hustle, skill level, and overall performance).  If a player has a question about her playing time, she is welcome to approach coaches after practice to ask what she needs to work on to increase her playing time.  
The coach determines individual playing times based on the skills, attitude, and cooperation of the individual to perform the game, and the effort displayed during practices and games on and off the court.  Players with an emotional response to the match or to the coaches will be pulled out to the court.
Coaches are not responsible for keeping players’ emotions in control.
Do not, for any reason, approach a coach or staff member during or immediately after a tournament to discuss playing time. You must wait at least 24 hours to approach your coach about your concerns.
Players may or may not play the position for which they did a tryout. It is the coach's decision, and the coach will do the best for the team. 
All players should respect the coaches during practices and tournaments. Bad behavior will not be tolerated. Bad attitudes toward the coaches or any teammate will not be tolerated.
Tape/Wraps:  Tape and pre-wrap are provided for emergencies only. If a player needs to be taped on a
regular basis, she must provide her own supplies and taping.
Practices: Practice location may change. When the facilities run their own programs or are closed. Practice will be had in the facilities available for those specific days.
Facilities:  Teams must make sure all facilities are left in better condition than when we arrived. All equipment must be put away properly and all trash must be picked up.
Facebook, Instagram, Blogs, and Similar Sites:  Coaches and athletes are not permitted to “private message” each other through Facebook. Coaches and athletes are not permitted to “instant message” each other through Facebook chat or other methods. Players and coaches should not “friend” each other on Facebook. The club has an official Facebook page that athletes and their parents can “like” the page for more information and updates on team-related matters.
I have read and understood the Safe Sports Agreement, I compromise on the follow the club policies in order to have a successful and positive season.

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